So you've started your business, you're in the thick of it and new challenges arise.
Many of my clients start their businesses and successfully have their children at home with little daycare support.
But how do they successfully make that happen? How do I?
My entrepreneur life came with many different challenges to master. Juggling working from home with my kids was the number one thing I had to figure out quickly.
You see, daycare has its advantages and disadvantages. We as parents have to do what is right by our family and values. And it might look differently than your friends and colleagues {which is okay, by the way!}. My husband and I wanted our kids at home. With some trial and error over the years it just became apparent to us each time that it wasn’t worth trying to find support in that area of our life.
I had to adjust. The notion that working from home with your kids needs to be perfect daily, or the same for every mom, is FALSE.
Here's how I manage my client workload with my kids at home:
1. Set working hours
Believe it or not, but this gives you and your family more freedom.
2. Planned activities
One example we have success with is sensory bins from Broccoli Boxes. I can easily grab one and I am able to be left alone for at least 45 minutes. They are the perfect learning distraction and fun for the kids.
3. Ask for support
Partner, neighbor, grandparents, part-time daycare, delegating work out by subcontracting, cleaning lady, chef, grocery shopper, etc - pick what works best for you! Everyone's support looks different
and BONUS... Trial and Error. Working at home with kids is a daily, weekly experiment depending on what's going on in your household and business. A perfectly streamlined game plan won’t cut it because as we all know deep down, perfection doesn’t exist!
Which one resonates with you? Reply here and let me know!
If you'd like to learn more about Kaelee and the services she offers, helping moms build and scale their own virtual assistant businesses, go to or connect with her on Instagram @kaeleerae